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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Summer is coming!

Well I am sitting here trying to plan out the first youth group summer that doesn't involve the limitations of an intern, and I have so many options I am not sure what to do. So, I want to ask you, the Heir Force Members, what do you want to do this summer? Think BIG, but reasonable.

Just so you know what the process for developing the summer program here is what is going to happen. I am going to research and take as many suggestions for things to do as I can. I will then organize them into three catagories (Big Events, Service Events, Low-Key Events) and then parents and the volunteer youth staff will try to assemble a program that works the best. So get me your suggestions ASAP. Again you can e-mail me or just post on the comments page.

On another note, so far the High School Retreat is going to be really boring since only the always dependable Angel Reyes has signed up (not that Angel's boring). Perhaps we will have him watch Levi while John Massie, Daniel and Amanda Howard, Allison, and myself lounge around the Cambpel's house eating fruit and chocolate!

Seriously, if you want to go let me know otherwise.....you'll be missing out.

Late Breaking News: Angel, Gwendolyn, Soueraya, Gregory, Laura, and Jonathan are now coming!
Yeah i agree i think we should do camping or something. That sounds fun... I've never been REAL camping b4. Only my queens icoc cheap a*s camp.(which sucked) So whatever we do this summer ill be gratefull 4.
You know I'm available for camping. Would it be a Sat-Sun or Fri-Sun? If Fri-Sun, than the sooner you know the date the better so I can take off work.
Yeah dorney park is alotta fun. But i still like the camping idea
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