"Where I come from, you hang out with a murderer and eventually you'll be murdered. Kids I grew up with died or went to jail. But if you choose to be around spiritual, hardworking, giving people, you'll be a spiritual, hardworking person. You are who you hang out with." - Russell Simmons in CosmoGirl, February 2005
"It's definately a contradiction. Contradiction is part of who everybody is. I am a real person, and I make my mistakes and I laugh and I cry and I smile and I hate and I love. One song is, 'I love God,' and the next song is ,'Can you come over?' That's how I feel. Sometimes you're in church, and you're looking at the girls's dress right next to you." - Kanye West when asked about the contradiction people see between the devoutness of his Grammy-nominated hit "Jeus Walks" and the profanity and sexual content on the rest of the album. Time Magazine, December 20
"I'm not someone who doesn't respect religion, but I don't care for the way religion is used to manipulate people. We create our own gods. We create our own devils." - Marilyn Manson on ABC News, November 24
"My father makes a percentage off of me, so he had no problem with it." - Jessica Simpson, on what her father, a Baptist minister, had to say about her new line of "kissable" body-care products. Time, May 10
"If I thought I could get more out of a guy, I'd sleep with him." - Lil' Kim. Rolling Stone Daily, May 18
"I was talking to Noel Gallagher [from Oasis] about my dad, who lost his faith toward the end of his life. And Noel asked, 'Does he believe in God?' And I said, "I don't think he knows.' So Noel went, 'Well, he's one step closer to knowing now.' And I thought, 'I'm going to write that song.''" - U2's Bono discussing the song, "One Step Closer to Knowing." In Blender, November 2004
"Just for a moment imagine the media hysteria and global outrage if 25 million Americans, many of them children, died from a treatable disease because the medicine was too costly...This is exactly what is happening throughout sub-Saharan Africa." - Alicia Keys, in a message calling on her music industry peers to raise their voices to address the AIDS crisis in Africa. Reuters News Service, November 26
"Rap is a young man's game, and I thought about that even when I was young - it has to cme to an end. WWhatever job you have, be it hustling on the street or working at the mall, you gotta have a plan for when it's over." - Jay-Z, age 34, on considering an offer to become CEO of Island/Def Jam Records. Reuters News Service, November 15
"Nah, you never really feel sad and lonley. You are a grown man and you have to just understand these things in a logical way. It's an understanding between two consenting adults. There are no hard feelings, and you have to try to not get your feelings involved. So we are going to do it safely, of course, and make sure everybody is protected and nobody is going into it expecting anything more than what it is." - Nelly in response to the question, "Do you ever feel sad and lonely after a quickie with a groupie?" Blender, October 2004
Feel free to comment on any of these if you are so inclined. Do you agree or disagree?
posted by: J-Wild at: 12:09 PM -
wow... those are some fantastic role models for our teens...