What are Friends For?
"My friends say I have a great voice!"Allison and I finally got to watch Tuesday nights American Idol last night (Wed. night). All I can say is WOW some people need a reality check, or at least friends who will tell them the truth! The show is great and in the grand scheme of things it isn't too cruel. This show is totally addicting to Allison, and me and I think it is fascinating to watch the star making process and how much if the process isn't always based on talent. This season should prove to be very interesting...and hey there is even a youth Pastor from Abilene, Texas who made it to the Hollywood round!
It is obvious that these early shows are going to show "William Hung" type of talent, but what we saw last night was absolutely unbelievable. I seriously think there is some mental illness going on with some of these people, especially with the girl pictured above. Setting aside all of that, how can these peoples family, friends, and even acquaintances actually encourage them to go on a show like this! Seriously, if you were one of these bad singers wouldn't you want your friends to save you the embarrassment of actually singing in public let alone on American Idol!?
Can you just hear the conversations these "friends" are having today? Do you think the friends will come clean and say "Yeah Simon is right...your horrible!" Or will they take the easy way out and say "You don't need them. Keep following your dream, you're awesome." What about these peoples families, many of whom are waiting outside the audition room with baited breath. Are they really surprised when their kids don't make it? Allison and I love
Levi with everything we have, but if he wants to sing in public or on stage and he is as bad as some of these people were, then we are going to be honest with him. Allison said that she would say, "
baby...you can sing to momma all you want, just sing to momma sweetie."
So, how honest of a friend are you and how honest are your friends with you? If you have a "
bat in the cave",
stink breath, or a
bad outfit would you want your friends to tell you about it? What about more serious things like your relationships, attitude, or behaviors (like partying, lying, school work, or gossiping)? Do you think your ability to be honest with yourself correlates with your willingness to be honest with other people?
What are your thoughts?