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Sunday, December 05, 2004
A Week In the Life!
So, welcome to the Heir Force Blog. First of all I would like to give a shout out to Kenny Eicher for designing our cool blog layout and for his help in teaching me how to set this up. This blog is just a place where you can come to get information about upcoming Heir Force events, thought provoking topics, and a space for you to make your voice heard. I hope that you will be honest and open without being degrading or offensive in any of the comments that you make. Feel free to post annonymously and tell your friends about this blog. My goal is to have some of the teens from the Heir Force, some of our volunteers, and others to post thoughts and to come up with fun intetesting things for you to engage in.

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For the first post I wanted to find out from you who you would like to be for seven days and why. I can remember as a little kid I wanted to be Keith from the cartoon Voltron. I even asked my mom if I could change my name. She humored me and told me I had to get a lawyer. Keith was the leader of the five mechanicle lions that made up the big robot named Voltron. He was smart, good looking, and always had the ansewers.

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I have since grown out of the desire to be Keith from Voltron, but my current "hero" has to be Bono from U2. I think his ability to infuse spirituality, emotion, politics, and love into his lyrics is amazing and the band just plan rocks. I admire his efforts to help those who are poor, oppressed, and sick. I believe that the message he brings to the church about the plight of AIDS victims in Africa is prophetic and something the church should listen to. But I still wouldn't want to be him for a week, even though rocking out in a great band in front of 60,000 people, being rich, and having a major influence on the world would be awsome.

The person I would most like to be for a week would have to be Mother Teresa. I know, I know that sounds like something you are supposed to say as a minister, but I am serious. I have been thinking a lot about this question, and while being Bono for a week would be awesome, at the end of it I would just be back to plain old me. The thing about Mother Teresa is how she saw people is so radically different than how I see people. A reporter asked her one time how she could be surrounded by death and sickness all the time. Her response was amazing. She said "I don't see sickness, disease, in the people that come to our place, I only see Jesus." I feel like if I was Mother Teresa for a week then perhaps I would start to see people as she saw people and then that would make a bigger change in my life than rocking out in front of 60,000 people. I highly recommend you going here (you have to have Real Player) to listen to the speech she gave when she recieved the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. So that's my person, I don't think the lesson I would learn from her would be fun, but it would be life-changing for sure.

So who would you be for a week and why?
If I could be one person for a week it would be Paul Rand. If you don't know who he is, click the link and surf around. His influence on corporate America and the world is profound and he did it all through creativity and design. If I could experience life with that much creativity for a week it would be an amazing experience for me. If I could walk away from that experience with even an ounce more knowledge it would be worth it.
i don't think that i would want to be someone different for a week. i like who god made me to be and i think that i should just keep changing things about myself and work up to be like jesus.
If i had to be someone i would be Jason.
I really look up to him and he is kind of a
role model to me.
You want to see a great blog go to www.ourcoolsite.blogspot.com for 11yr olds and under that is......
Its cynthia.Well i don't really know who i would be for a week.but i guess i would be president bush cause i want to know what he goes through every day.
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