Six Flags Info!

Do not be late to the church or you will get left behind. We are taking NJ Transit to Six Flags and they will not hold the bus for us. So if you aren't there, we can't wait for you.
Of course you know that it is going to be ridiculous hot. So be sure to bring a bottle of water, cool loose fitting (and appropriate) clothes, and some sort of head covering.
The cost is $40 and includes theme park admission and transportation. However this doesn't include food, so you need to bring extra money for that.
Summer 2006

The summer calendar is ready! Click on image above to enlarge and find out what's coming up.

This gathering will be taking place so that students in their final two years of High School to young people around the age of twenty-two can come together to form a spiritual community that intently looks at the issues they are dealing with everyday. It's not a group that's concerned with giving the right answers as much as it's concerned with asking the right questions.
Come be a part of something out of the expected.
Youth Sunday is Coming

Sign up for the banquet on Youth Sunday, this coming Sunday.
Yankees and the SAT
Click on flyer for printable version!I found this cartoon today, and thought it would be helpful for all of you who are about to take the dreaded SAT. I know many of you have been working really hard to prepare yourself for this important test. It is definitely important to take it seriously, and doing well on it can have a big impact on what opportunities are available to you. Yet it isn't the complete measure of who you are or what you know. So as you are laying awake at night worrying or feel the stress of the coming test date remember to relax and be prepared. Remember that this isn't a test of how smart you are or if you are a good person or not. Study hard, good luck, and I will praying for you.
Good Friday
Coming up April 28:Guys/Girls Night Out!More details to come later.