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Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Yankees and the SAT

Yankees Game
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I found this cartoon today, and thought it would be helpful for all of you who are about to take the dreaded SAT. I know many of you have been working really hard to prepare yourself for this important test. It is definitely important to take it seriously, and doing well on it can have a big impact on what opportunities are available to you. Yet it isn't the complete measure of who you are or what you know. So as you are laying awake at night worrying or feel the stress of the coming test date remember to relax and be prepared. Remember that this isn't a test of how smart you are or if you are a good person or not. Study hard, good luck, and I will praying for you.


umm well jason that is a 3,4,5 triangle.. it is a 30, 60, 90 degree angled triangle.. so therefore the hypotenuese would be 5 if the other 2 were 3 and 4.. because according to the pythagorean theroem A sq + B sq = C sq... soo 3 sq+ 4 sq= X sq sooo 9+16 = X sq.... 25 = Xsq .. X = rad 25 sooo X = 5 lol i kno you love my math talk!!!!
umm well jason that is a 3,4,5 triangle.. it is a 30, 60, 90 degree angled triangle.. so therefore the hypotenuese would be 5 if the other 2 were 3 and 4.. because according to the pythagorean theroem A sq + B sq = C sq... soo 3 sq+ 4 sq= X sq sooo 9+16 = X sq.... 25 = Xsq .. X = rad 25 sooo X = 5 lol i kno you love my math talk!!!!
oh yah if u didnt kno who said that.. it was melissa.. sry bout postin it 2 times
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