Who's Looking at You?

How much do people know about you on the internet, and who is looking at you online?The truth is you don't know. But many of you have so much information about yourselves online that it would be easy for someone to seek you out and start obsessing over you.
Young people (that's you) are extremely attractive targets for online predators. One in five teens experience overt or agressive sexual advancements from people online (that's both guys and girls). I know many of you have a
My Space account and a lot of you give out way too much personal information. Like what school you go to, how old you are, where you live, what your hobbies or interests are, and even pictures of yourself (sometimes in suggestive poses). From what I have seen a lot of teens who use "My Space" use it as a place to meet girls or guys and "hook up" either on-line or heaven forbid real life.
I am telling you the dangers are real. You must learn to protect yourself along with keeping your character. Here are some things that you should never give out when you are online:
1. School name or location.
2. Your first and last name.
3. Where you live.
4. What your "intimate" experiences have been.
5. What you would like your intimate experiences to be.
6. Your body type and dimensions.
7. Specifics on where you are going to be, what you will be doing, and with whom.
8. Your e-mail address
9. Phone number
10. Any information that could be used to look you up on an internet "people find" site.
11. Family names and issues your family might be dealing with.
Protect yourself and your integrity. Don't subject yourself to people sexually harassing you online, and don't make yourself and easy target.