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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Phat 108 & Summer's Over!

This Thursday meet at 4:00pm at the church.

For this PHAT 108 we are going to get together, hang out, and then help out the Illumine service. DJ asked if we would man the table where people are going to make sack lunches for the poor and homeless. Part of the service is that everyone is going to do something as part of our call to be involved in Social Justice. So the youth group is going to help run the sack lunch table where people will be making lunches to give to people as they leave the illumine service. Also Brittany and Soeuraya are singing in the service so we will be there to support them as well. Please bring some money for pizza, and see ya on Thursday. One more thing, Dateline NBC did a whole report on Northern Uganda and about the children there. You can read the article here. The article talks about all of the things we know because of our movie. Check it.

Before the Showdown
We had an absolutely great time on the Mystery Road Trip, despite being rained out of our camp site. Things I won't forget:
"Cold blooded..."
"I got shot 9 times!"
"What are Grits?"
"My googles are foggy."
"The water is warm right here!"
"Left, left, left...now Right! Right!"
"We're from NYC we don't play like that!"
"I wish I had that AK-47!"
"It's at 60%"

What could we possibly do as a follow up? Well I have planned something for this coming Tuesday which will be our last event of the summer. So SAD! Anyway, all you have to do is click here and you will find out how we plan to end the summer. I hope many of you can come, and please let me know if you will be coming to the event.

See you on Thursday.

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