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Friday, July 15, 2005
This Sunday 7-17

Rape and sexual violence against women and girls have been a prominent feature of the ethnic cleansing campaign carried out by the Rwandan government forces and militias.

Human Rights Watch: What's happening here?
13-year-old artist: These men in green are taking the women and the girls.
Human Rights Watch: What are they doing?
Boy: They are forcing them to be wife. The houses are on fire.
Human Rights Watch: What's happening here?
Boy: This is an Antonov. This is a helicopter. These here, at the bottom of the page, these are dead people.

At PHAT 108 yesterday we watched "The Invisible Children" DVD and it was quite an experience. At the end of the movie everyone sat in stunned silence at what we had just seen. The poverty, violence, fear, hope, and tragedy that the children of Northern Uganda deal with everyday was unbelievable.

Thomas was at PHAT 108 and after a while he talked about how similar kinds of suffering doesn't exist only in Africa, but it exists in the US as well. He is right, in that suffering is suffering and there are children who live only 5 miles from our church that are hungry, neglected, or abused. Yet, when you take into account the numbers of people who are suffering, and the numbers of people who experience death at the hands of violence and preventable diseases, nothing compares to Africa.

This Sunday we will be re-showing the film during Youth Church. I would like to remind you that YC begins Sunday morning at 9:45 am and is over at 11:30 am. In three weeks we are going to try to have an event that brings to light some of the suffering of these children. I hope that you make it a point to be at Youth Church on time so that we can have the full hour and a half to watch the movie and come up with ways to use our TIME, PRAYER, TALENTS, and MONEY to help these invisible children.

See you Sunday morning.

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