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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Sparkle in the Eyes....Hope in the Heart

This is one of the "Photo Panels" on the new homepage of the church website. I sent Kenny Eicher about two hundred pictures of church members for him to go through to make these panels. He came up with eight panels and part of the youth group made it. He told me that he was looking at each picture for something special, a "sparkle" in the eyes, and joy in the heart. That picture of Melissa, Ashley, Gwen, Soeuraya, and Alisha is a great representation of the heart of our group (even though they're aren't any guys in it). I of course have hundreds of pictures of all of you. Smiling, laughing, being crazy stuffing your face with pizza, shooting each other with paintballs (Ashley T watch out!), and getting in 30 degree water.

I have been reminded of how great our church is, I love this place and you guys are a big reason for that. The retreat was so awesome and I am so excited about the upcoming summer and getting to spend more time with everyone. So you realize that you won't have school, and I don't really work (says Azat) so that means we are chillin all the time!

This week has been fairly emotional for me. It started with the service this past Sunday. The church service was so beautiful but also very hard because of what Joe and Laura are going through right now. If you haven't listened to Amy's sermon, you should...you can hear it by clicking here.Then it was me and Allisons' anniversary on Monday. And Thursday is the long awaited day of Ira's birth.

This week at PHAT 108 we are going to gather for a time of just worship and prayer. By the time we come together we will know what condition Ira Hays is in. We are praying for a miracle, but we also know that sometimes miracles don't happen. I want to encourage as many of you as possible to come because the Hays will need our prayers, and we will need to be together. I love you guys very much, and even if you can't be there this week take some time on Thursday to pray for Joe, Laura, Sophia, and Ira.

To stay up to date as to what is happening with the Hays check Joe's blog. Also if you want to see the other picture panels that Kenny did on the church website just go to the site and keep clicking "refresh" on your browser, a new picture should load every time you do that.

Also, remember that this week is the start of our Guys Class and Girls Class for Youth Church. Allison, Amanda will be leading the girls class. Me and (hopefully) Daniel will be leading the guys class.

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