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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Who's group is it?

"To Whom Does This Room Belong?"

I have been reflecting a lot about our discussion on Sunday. In trying to think through all of the things you guys brought up I keep coming back to this question. What is God's expectation of us as a group? That includes both you and me. We spent a lot of time on Sunday talking about what the youth group isn't and what it used to be. I am curious as to how you think our group should be in light of our purpose as Christians? I also want to say that, except for Gwen and Edwin, no other youth group member has signed up to take part in the Heir Force re-visioning project. What does that say about the personal investment of actual participants of our group?
I don't know what that says but to me that "talk" that we had on sunday was kinda needed. I was there. It's true the youth group needs more activities but it's not all about. It's all about becoming more close to God and learing more about him. If you don't got nothing to do on a Saturday the oh well got watch t.v or go to the park. Jason was not pt on this Earth to keep(Brittany) us satisfied 24/7. As long as i have been here we did alota stuff but then they (Jason and Allison) had Levi, after that they went to camp Shiloh and ever since it has just been crazy.
Jason said that he we are gonna do something fun in the summer. And we got the High school retreat coming up so we waited all this time a few more months are not gonna hurt.We just gotta be patient.
Look lil mz Brit I don't hate u of course NEVER but ya coulda acted more.... what's the word? resonable last sunday.

Just to let you know I will never tell you who wrote this.
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Let me say that I totally support whatever anyone wants to express here on this blog. That's why I have allowed people to post anonymously because I know some people don't feel comfortable really expressing themselves for fear of the consequences. But, and this is a big but, I will not allow comments to remain on the blog that insult or belittle people.

Anonymous it's fine for you to say that you don't agree with Brittany, but you must express your disagreement with her in a positive context.

I am not out to censor the discussions that take place here. I believe that a blog provides a safe place for each of us to share our opinions and I am just trying to make sure that happens for everyone.

I would like to see this discussion continue, though, as I think it is important for our group. Please keep posting your comments.

Anonymous: I usually don't want to write personal comments to specific people on the blog, but since I don't know who you are I want to say that believing in God is not a prerequisite for being in the youth group, and I don't think that pulling out of the group is the answer. I am concerned about your comment of wanting "to kill myself" and would like to talk with you if you are willing. You know my email address, my phone number and where I live so get in touch.
Jason or Alison, I can't believe you deleted my post of yesterday. What happened to free speech? If you really want this group to function, you cannot control what you want to be said here and what you want to delete. It's my right to say what I want to say. Is this Cuba? Now I am definitely not coming anymore. This group does not respect democratic values.
Anonymous, you absolutly have free speech and this is a place for you to express your feelings freely and openly, but not at the expense of others. I took your post down because the words you used to express your disagreement with Brittany were not appropriate. That's all, no big deal and if you would like to rephrase your earlier post, you are more than welcome to do so.
This has reminded me of my youth group experience years ago, and so I thought I'd contribute an outsider's perspective. At first, I felt like I didn't belong to "the club" when I attended activities and meetings. Soon I loved the group, teens and leaders (we had several leaders because no single adult wanted to take on the responsibility). Then some of us started to have conflicts with each other and the leaders for various reasons. Instead of dealing with it openly with willing conversation, we all got hurt and angry and went our separate ways (including the leaders). I regret that now and realize that I was a selfish member. I encourage you to be patient with each other, communicate calmly and respectfully, and act the way you want others to act.
WHOA... im feeling some bad vibes coming from this area here...
Well, this is how I feel, i have to agree with Jason when he said that this group is lacking leadership. When I first entered the Youth Group i remember all the older kids, the kids that were in high school, like Thomas, Yuji, Tina, Alex, Christian, and the list goes on. Now, with the departure of Thomas, the "last of the Leaders," we are left with other people to fill his shoes, namely me, and greg. Of course there are leaders in this group like Gwen, and Edwin. But there is still a lack of order, of maturity in this group. I remember me and greg used to get in trouble allll the time, but when it came for a time to be serious we always had tina to tell us. Thomas always used to make any situation funny, and enjoyable, but knew how to get serious and spark a deep conversation about God, Joanna was there to be an example of the kinda life we should live in following God, but who is that example now? I know with me personally, ive always had people say, youre so immature, act grown boy! but i never really had to cause i was younger, but now that I am older, about to be in college in the next 3 years there is a sense in me saying that yea i do need to setp up to the plate and be that "Alex, or Tina or Joanna." So I think that this is call for people such as (not to shout anyone out) me , greg, and even [ashley-->(who people would always say is so much more mature than me) to step up and become those leaders. Of course i feel there are still other problems in this youth group, i think this is the main issue that needs to be disscussed. Well, my fingers hurt so adios, DOMINICANS RULE THE WORLD!!!
i agree
i agree: wow
Britt- im sry 4 what i said.
but dis iz some crzy s***

all of ya'll need 2 get ova it!

Nakeisha read your blog please I left a comment
This blog "thingamajiggy" is turning to a chat line. And besides my anonymousy the other anonymous has a lot of problems that he/she needs to resolve within him/herself. As far as drama it's needs to resolved in two ways 1) talk it over and get it over with, and somehow remain friends or have respect for each other or 2) talk it over and just have respect for each other and stop talking/lying about each other because it is getting ridiculous like lil'jons dreads. like lil'jon he needs to cut his dreads and start over the youth group needs to cut the drama and start over too. And i know that lil'jon may not be the perfect analogy but we all know how ridiculous lil'jon is (YEEEAAAAHHHH!) and that is being compared with the "ridiculousness" in the youth group.
I agree with people that said that there are no leaders in the youth group NOW including jason and allison. No offense to the both of you but everyone knows that Levi is top of your priority, but meanwhile whats going on with the teens? There's no one for them to really talk to except a former member of the youth group by the name of (Diamond) but only a few people talked to her due to their own problems. But anywayzzzz there is no structure and definitely no trust within the youth group.
The people that got in trouble in the past (you know who you are) realized their mistakes and didn't do it again. Now those same people that got in trouble in the past are viewed in a certain way like if they were to get in trouble now it would be expected from them because of their past..... BUT and yes i said BUT there are other people in the YOUTH GROUP that has done the same or even worse things than the "expectants". The people who you think that would never do such a thing are the ones that do the worst things. So advice to Jason and Allison keep a close eye on everyone, not just the "expectants". Did i spell "expectants" right? Is that even a word?
oh shut up all ya'll

get ova it
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