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Monday, May 23, 2005
Are You Blessed...
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied."
- Matthew 5:6

That's great, but how do you develop a desire for righteousness in the first place? Righteosness is defined as "morally upright, or without sin." It seems to me that there has to be some sort of moral standard, or absolute that tells me what righteousness looks like. I believe that God teaches us what that is through Christ and the Bible. Without that then morality is just a subjective kind of thing that can be influenced by all kinds of situations.

I believe that you can only desire righteousness when you have finally become fed up with living in rebellion against God. When life is lived based on fulfilling your own selfish desires and those desire constantly lead you into heart ache, pain, or difficulty a person will call out and say "What is the point of all this, am I just out here on my own, who can save me from myself." That is when the promise of God starts to unfold in a person's life and they become transformed.

Remember God cannot be mocked. Lip service to God doesn't go over very well. He requires a 100% of your heart. You can't just give part and expect to be ok. Being with God has never been about being "ok" but instead it's about being made into the image of Christ.

So what keeps you from persuing righteousness?

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