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Friday, August 05, 2005
So Proud
You raised $790.00 yesterday!

I cannot tell you how proud I am of all of you! Total we raised $1,122.04 if you include the donation from Cartoon Pizza, the painting auction, and Sarah Berroa's walk-a-thon. Besides the money we had a total of about 65 people who came for the screening of the movie and about 35 kids and adults during the children's art and film festival.

All of this money will go directly to "Invisible Children" to help the kids we saw on the movie. You all did such a great job baking, setting up, cleaning up, doing arts and crafts, running sound and video, planning, selling, organizing, wrapping, pricing, and welcoming people. You all definately let the light of Christ shine through you by spending 12 hours serving the children of Africa. Thank you for all your hard work.
I was so impressed by all the hard work you guys did yesterday. The film was so powerful, and I'm so impressed by the ways you used your time, talents, and creativity to raise money and awareness for the children in Uganda. It was definitely an eye opener for me. Your work is an inspiration!

gals & guys-

you did an amazing job. thanks for sharing that movie with us. you've sent a spark to me, that will be shared with a lot of people. i've already contacted my home church and before I leave for school, like 3 days after i get back home. we're going to be doing a showing of this movie with our church. after that, they are allowing me to have a screening on the local baptist college campus September 9-11, because we rent the conference center for our outreach event, this year they are expecting about 750 people. for a church of 80 putting on an event of this size is incredible. also, i am going to chat with some of my close professors at harding to see if I can get the Harding Student Association and some of the faculty to back an event that shows this movie, raises awareness, and hopefully find a committed core of students before this to assist in the fundraising for something of this size.

only been here 5 weeks and you guys have really threw a lit match into my haystack. (sorry for the southern assocation with my life.)

I just need to get 2 painting to auction- hmm... if I get the supplies will you paint the picture?

I'll be chatting with some of you later. THANKS!

Drew (i'm the worship intern that is around the office)
I wish i could have came. It sounded really fun. But I guess when u have a younger sibling it's harder 2 do anything..
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