Weekly Update

These are clothes that have sat in my office since the Mystery Road Trip. After Sunday they will be donated to the Community of Hope, so if something is yours and you want it, better let me know.PHAT 108 is
CANCELLED for this week. Allison and I will be at the Shiloh Golf tournament raising money for Shiloh so no-one will be there for PHAT 108. We will resume next week.

This Sunday is the last day to sign up for REVOLUTION! If you are planning on going please bring in your form.
Finally I want to leave you with this thought. I was at a small group leader retreat this weekend, and the speaker said something that has stuck in my mind ever since. He was sharing his life story, which had a fair amount of drama centered around and alcoholic mother, divorce, and dysfunctional relationship with his father. He talked a lot about feeling alone and abandoned as a teenager. Until he recieved Christ.
Since that time (40 years ago) he has spent a lot of time reading and learning about God. One of the most influential things has been reading the Psalms and Proverbs every day. He said
"The Psalms have been my mother, and the Proverbs have been my Father." I thought that was a fairly profound comment, and illustrated very well the role that scripture can play in a persons life.
I want to challenge you this week to spend time reading the Psalms or Proverbs at some point during the day. You never know when the power of God through scripture will transform your life.
Kick-Off Sunday

Yes that's right Mr. Heirs has gone clothes shopping as well! Anyway, have I got some good things for you coming up this fall.
PHAT 108 resumes this week at our house at a new time! This year PHAT 108 will run for two hours and go from
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. The title of our study is
"Love, Friendship, and the American Dream". Kind of a random title I know, but we are going to look at what it means to have healthy relationships with people and stuff in view of God's word. It should be pretty interesting and a good thing for you to bring your friends to. Remember we start this Thursday at 5pm at our house.
Fall CalendarThe calendar is ready for you to download by clicking
here. It should be a good semester with lots of opportunities for us to get together have fun, learn about God, and strengthen our relationships. I also plan on using this blog more to get your thoughts and ideas on certain subjects.
Coming Up This SundayWe have kickoff Sunday where the new seventh graders come into the youth group. I am really excited about this years group of young people. They will all make a great addition to our group. Please be at church on Sunday so you can participate in welcoming them into the youth group. Robyn and her "friend" James will be teaching the Junior High (7-8 grade) on Sunday mornings. The Howard's and Isbell's will be teaching the High School. This school year we are going to be exmining what it means to
DWELL in the presence of God. I know it doesn't sound exciting, but trust me it will be.
FinallyRevolution is coming up. You can see a lot of details about the event by clicking
here. I have high hopes that it will be as good as it was last year.
I really enjoyed being here with you guys this summer. I didn't even miss being at Shiloh because you guys were so much fun. I look forward to a great fall and pray that the Spirit of God will direct all of us closer to him.
Church Retreat
Hey gang! The church retreat is coming up, and many of you have signed up. Just wanted to let you know that you need to be at the church no later than 5:30 pm on Friday. You also need to bring your own dinner since dinner will not be served at the retreat center when we get there. This year I got you all a seat on the big coach bus, so you can thank me later for that. Here is the list of kids who have signed up so far:
Angel, Gregory, Samuel, Edwin, and Damian
Soeuraya, Brittany, Melissa, Ashley, Alisha, Daphnee, Sequoia, and Chloe
The theme for the retreat is
"You Are My Refuge". I am looking forward to seeing all of you there. For those of you who are not able to come, don't get too worried. In about a month we have
REVOLUTION which is going to be ridicuously off the hook.
One last thing, there will be no classes this Sunday, and only one service at church (9:00 am). See ya in two weeks, for Kick-Off Sunday where we welcome in the new 6th and 7th graders into the youth group.